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Managing Emotions
Text by
Sabina Tahsimi
What is emotion?
“Psychological state that happens in a subjective way rather than from conscious efforts and it’s often accompanied from physiological changes.”
Emotional vocabulary
The ability to know, label, our emotions and those of others.
It’s the base for children abilities to control their emotions, develop relationships, interact with others; one of the most important fields in child development.
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the capacity to monitor our feelings and those of others, distinguishing between emotions and use this information to manage our acting and thinking.
Optimism is the ability to look at the brighter side of life and to maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.
Next, using a different color pen or pencil, write positive thoughts to fill your brain.
It’s All in Your Head
What does your brain contain? The picture of the head is divided into sections. In each section write or draw what you spend the most time thinking about.
Laughter helps us feel good. So, spending time with people who make you laugh is a good way to relax. Answer the questions below and have a laugh or two!
Who is one of the funniest people you know?
What is something this person said or did that made you laugh.
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? Describe.
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to your best friend? Describe.
Fishing compliments
We all need compliments once in a while. Everyone should put a paper on its back, and then everyone should write a compliment to the person whose name is at the top.
Sabina Tahsimi
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Sabina Tahsimi
Managing Emotions
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